Join Our Movement

Something Worth Your Life.

Those who first received Jesus’ commission to “go and make disciples” responded with faithfulness (Matthew 28:16-20). They believed following the risen Jesus was worth their lives and, by God’s grace, they changed the world continuing His mission and ministry. Today, we offer our lives to do the same.

We are planting the first Global Methodist Church in Boone, the Appalachian Chapel, as we feel called by God follow Jesus as disciples who make disciples in Boone and Beyond. We are also confident that God is calling and raising up others within our beautiful college town to give birth to this new church.

Is God calling you?

If God is stirring your heart to join this movement, to launch the Appalachian Chapel, and to continue Christ’s mission here in Boone then please email Pastor Brad Farrington ( right now — just click email link or the button on this page!

May God unite the hearts and lives of those being called to “go and make disciples” through the Appalachian Chapel here in the heart of the High Country! Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are faithfully convicted this is worth our lives.

Join our movement as partners in the Gospel, with passion, with purpose, and with Christ in the center of it all.